Yo, i had band today. NCO training start at 7.30 and yet i came at 7.50. Thanks to the rain. Yesterday was such a wonderful night. I sleep soundly throughout then came my handphone ringing. Thinking that it was still raining at 6.30, i guess i would still continue for a good 3 to 4 hours and thus the cancellation of the NCO training. But no, it stop at 7.15 just 15 minutes before the training. Oh man... luckily my mum woke me up at 7.00 am if not i would still be sleeping at my cosy bed.
No combine today went out for lunch at 12.15 but then came to realize that our lunch should actually be at 11.30. Oh man... not again and we had to be back by 12.30. Argh, such an unlucky day. It was just my luck but still couldn't blame this on anyone.
Then came rahayu telling me that Ms chan wants to talk to us after band which made my heart jumped. I thought through thoroughly and think of the possible reason of why she wants to talk to us but my mind was blank. So i thought never mind just face the music.
Cleaned the cymbals today and its shinning like dun noe what. LOL. Thanks wen jie for helping me to polish it. time passes slowly and came the time where me and rahayu was supposed to see ms chan. with heavy footsteps, i came to the door of the music room. Then came the answer. She wants to recruit us for steel drum and thats all. Haiz, what a relief.
Regarding the pictures that i blog, its just for visual entertainment and its just so simple. I'm not having a girlfriend nor am i facing any problems in my relationship. So, stop guessing.
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