(Mei Ru and Mi )
Xin yi and mi
( my drumstick)
mi and sherly
Yesterday was my last concert.
Guest band:River valley high
As it was my last concert, it would mean the stepping down of the sec 4e's and 5N's. Good job everybody.
Bennie doesn't have her score with her during enchanted and had to borrow mine. Rahayu's timpani solo sounded like a concert bass drum rather than timpani. And lastly, Wei ping borrowed my drumstick before the start of the concert and yet misplace it!
It was found before the second half start. Was frantically searching for it like mad. Still didn't make it for the stick tricks though. Haiz. practice it for 1 whole week just for that few seconds.
Djumbe solo was cool but was messy when out turn to play. thats the only piece that was cocked up but i assume that it should not be as obvious hahax.
Wei ping was so funny during the second half. Popular liao seh.
Luckily got people cheer for me during my solo. and most importantly, i did not screw it up.
Reach school around 8+ and left at 9.30 as we need to set up the instrument back and needed to attended two meetings. We were heading for KFC supposedly but they close at 10. So, we went to mac. Talk with Xin yi, ayu and nayven till 12 +. so tired. anyway Sherly PS us in the middle as it was getting late.
Anyway , it was a splendid concert. I enjoy and it was my best concert so far.
took a few photos too...
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