In between was a an one hour break and we have fun while waiting for the bus to come.
Talking about the first performance, it was really like shit! we almost broke down for rockin rickie rocket and the rest was also not very presentable.
Then the second round just happen like magic! we got the mode and almost everything just fall into place.
It was so fun after all:)
Their school canteen was cute and the first stall we went to visit was the drink stall. There was a list of prices for everything down there and we were like OMG this place sells food that are half the price of our primary school. Then the rest started to buy nasi lemak. Ok its cheap but its not filling at all.(Dun ever judge a book by its cover)
Anyway it still bring a certain sense of nostalgia when i was in my primary school.
JPS will always be the best!
Went back to school today polish up my mallets skills and realise that i'm not as good as ever. Everything thing needs practice. Tomorrow is audition and hopefully i will pass. Trying to practice all my major scales again and memorise all the italian words and its all making me confuse. Presto, Adagio and etc...
Hopefully tomorrow will go on smoothly and i would be able to give a good impression to them.
(living raffles)
(fiona is discarded by shrek and she still seems so happy)
(trying to regain our youthful days)
( is this turning into an outdoor runway?)
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