No Bloggie till end of O's....
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
24 days to O's
The title aptly describe my present feeling.
Got my passport and blood test done. Lavender is just so far it took took about 45 minutes to reach. Such a waste of time.
Mr tan gave us chocolate yst. Yum Yum. I just love chocolate to the core.
Taking about chocolates, Sheryl and Amanda also gave me each one to me.
I'm going fatter as days go by.
Oh ya, I'm so addicted to Derrick Ho's song nowadays they are just so catchy and touching.
So many new songs and pop artist releasing albums this month. Its gonna disrupt my study! How could heaven do this to me? Or is this a test for my Discipline?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Its been two days since the intensive study starts. Time seems to fly faster with a fair allocation of 3 to 4 subjects each day.
Ate Sheryl and Amanda macaroni in the afternoon and it tastes great. Amanda's one was a bit hard and spicy. This just reflects her character. haha
Copied the model answer for physics paper and I just realise how far away my answer was from the teacher's one. I'm scared of pure science and it just puts me off! So much to memorize in such little time.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My cousin called just now to ask for my prelim result.
I was reading a fresh new book of storybook that i had borrowed from the library one week before.
And apparently it was about love again. Oh no!
Hopefully this ending wasn't as tragic as the previous book that i read.
Prolly i should take a good look at the summary next time before borrowing books again.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Skipped lunch today due to Chemistry tuition as it was held in the middle of the afternoon. Went to the library after that to study but it didn't turn out as futile as i had expected.
It seems so quite when rahayu wasn't there.
Geraldine initiated me to buy bubble tea in the midst of studying and of course i agreed to it as i' m really very thirsty. I was lost in the market while trying to locate the shop as i am not very familiar with the environment. Thus, I went back empty handed.
So she just had to qing zi chu ma. And she made a good disappearance of about 30 min i guess before coming to tell me that it had actually moved. Anyway, its really kind of her to actually went all the way to the interchange to get one for me.
Thanks. I taste great.
Bought Physics assessment book with terence at the end of everything. His was a really thick one while i insist on one that focuses more on the basic. Hehe.
Guess i have to build up my foundation first as what mr ooi say.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
This post shall be dedicated to my bro and Irfan who is celebrating their birthday today.
Went out with Jonathan and Kim Hong today to buy Irfan's birthday cake. Bought a choco one and then went down to my mum's shop to buy tidbits and etc. Wasn't there when i cut the cake. So sorry because i happen to be talking to Yong Fu, Sze Hern and Ban Hock in the canteen.
Happy Birthday anyway.
Mother is getting fried chicken in a few moments time. Yum Yum. Why did she get fried chicken while mine was a birhthday cake?
Luckily mine was more expensive or i would have a great fuss over it...
just kidding.
Singapore poly came down today to introduce their three courses. Was attracted by the business and engineering one but it requires math and good communication skills. Guess i shall give it a pass. Thats the bad thing about poly. I wasn't those types of person that are good at hands on stuff. Thats why i took pure science in the very first place.
Had a tough test today. Well its kinda weird to do the test at late noon as the weather was just so stuffy and warm. Besides most of our energy level were running low.
anyway its a good try. A least we were trying to adapt to the o'level timing.
I shall wish all my friends good luck here too:) especially gary. Don't ask why because you definitely don't wanna find out.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The fact that my results are dropping is just something that i just couldn't get over with. Though i have met my expectations for Chemistry and Humanities, they just misses distinction by a mark or two.
On the contrary, My E-math had also made it way to the bottom with a stunning grade of B4. Hitherto, it was the lousiest mark i ever obtained.
It took me quite some time poring over my sucky results and thus i have come out with several conclusion:
1)Incessant careless mistakes that just keep occurring in math related subjects.
2) Performance during the exams that simply fluctuates accordingly to my mode.
3) Pure ineptitude and stupidity.
i better get going... Physics tml and i'm dreading it.
hopefully i do not have to go to school tml as i'm not feeling very well now.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Its been 9 months since we last seen one another. Will the very first day we met be the last? I feel so confused.
You certainly put me in a dilemma.
You make me think about you from time to time and this distracts me off easily. I wonder if my life would be different if i didn't have to chance to even know you. I feel so relax and free from woes when we were together that very one day. You make me feel so optimistic of the future and the impulse to become a better being.
Did i experience love? If it was the uncontainable feeling that one have for one another, then maybe i have experienced it.
Are you feeling the same as me?
I was seriously touch when you took the effort to e-mail me during your last day in Singapore. I really intended to go to the airport but i had school the following day.
U definitely landed me in such a state whereby I'm unassure of whether i should just move on with my life and forget about you.
I wish you happiness if u have found your right one. Maybe i didn't even have a stand in your heart in the very first place.
My heart felt so hollow when u left as if i was a jewel filled with pungent.
Prolly things would get better in time.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A math paper was very easy yesterday. But, the funny part was i couldn't do as i still haven't cover integration on Trigonometry. It came out for the last few question and i didn't have a single idea of the rule of trigo integration.
Geography was cool. Did vegetation and development. Only when i passed up the paper then i realised that i had completely left out the conclusion for the lorms quest. Damn! there goes my B.
E-math was easy too but make too much careless mistake. And now i have to mug like crazy for paper 2 to secure my A1. Oh man...
anyway cousin came over last night and i ask him a few question on A-math and Chemistry. Hopefully my results will improve as he obtained an A1 for his physics. Moreover his O-level result was like below 10 lar.
I have learnt my lesson. I will try my best not to procrastinate while i will get into the mood in the slightest possible time.
Geography was cool. Did vegetation and development. Only when i passed up the paper then i realised that i had completely left out the conclusion for the lorms quest. Damn! there goes my B.
E-math was easy too but make too much careless mistake. And now i have to mug like crazy for paper 2 to secure my A1. Oh man...
anyway cousin came over last night and i ask him a few question on A-math and Chemistry. Hopefully my results will improve as he obtained an A1 for his physics. Moreover his O-level result was like below 10 lar.
I have learnt my lesson. I will try my best not to procrastinate while i will get into the mood in the slightest possible time.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
sorry for the late post. Had been pretty occupied lately.
Anyway, I have turned 16! NC 16 movies are now made available to me. Yea:)
Thanks for all the smses that you all sent at 12 midnight. really appreciate that. You all must have really stayed up late to wait for that particular moment. Hope the insufficient sleep did not affect your exams the following day. Sheryl, i thought you were supposed to sms me too. Bet you must have felt asleep.
Rahayu, you must be insane by messaging me early in the morning at 4. thks anyway or i wouldn't have woke up from what was supposed to be a short nap.
early in the morning came brentha's sms first at 5.55am, then was kim hong and sheryl. rahayu, are u kiasu or wat. You msg me twice.
really appreciatet those who wishes me happy birthday like Li Hui, safurah and etc.
Really like Mei hui's present which was a wallet. ( I was intending to buy one too. thks for saving me the hassle)
Yong fu was a tea cup. i supposed so. Did took me quite a moment to figure that out.
Birthday cake was chocolate(as usual) with strawberry toppings.:)
damn sweet lar...
Anyway, i really love today although it falls during my prelim.
kim Hong your're so mushy in you msg. I'm really touched. Will rmb u too.
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Shining boy and little randy

Sugar and spice

Nobody knows
This short one week break have come to an end in the blink of an eye. Well, actually it cannot be called as a one week break as most of us were being grounded by our parents to study for our prelim.
Damn. exam are so horrible. Anyway, catch 4 movies this week namely, Nobody knows, Shining boy and little Randy, Sugar and Spice and Wall-E. The First three were old movie though.
Yes! HSM 3 is finally coming up. But I have to wait till my O's are finish...
anyway, i really love all the movies that i have watched. I will catch them again when i'm feeling low. hahax. the temptation of me getting me to watch it again is just so high that it makes me want to forgo my study. How? its distracting me.
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