sorry for the late post. Had been pretty occupied lately.
Anyway, I have turned 16! NC 16 movies are now made available to me. Yea:)
Thanks for all the smses that you all sent at 12 midnight. really appreciate that. You all must have really stayed up late to wait for that particular moment. Hope the insufficient sleep did not affect your exams the following day. Sheryl, i thought you were supposed to sms me too. Bet you must have felt asleep.
Rahayu, you must be insane by messaging me early in the morning at 4. thks anyway or i wouldn't have woke up from what was supposed to be a short nap.
early in the morning came brentha's sms first at 5.55am, then was kim hong and sheryl. rahayu, are u kiasu or wat. You msg me twice.
really appreciatet those who wishes me happy birthday like Li Hui, safurah and etc.
Really like Mei hui's present which was a wallet. ( I was intending to buy one too. thks for saving me the hassle)
Yong fu was a tea cup. i supposed so. Did took me quite a moment to figure that out.
Birthday cake was chocolate(as usual) with strawberry toppings.:)
damn sweet lar...
Anyway, i really love today although it falls during my prelim.
kim Hong your're so mushy in you msg. I'm really touched. Will rmb u too.
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