I spent $60 bucks on Sunday on a Burberry cologne and i haven't open it yet. Heartpain. and you know what, i'm so in love with Topman's twister jeans. Damn cool o.
And Zhen rong actually got himself a Zara jeans which cost $89? and he wore it to school today. and yea, the material is damn nice. too bad i can't get any of their jeans cause they are way too big for me. the biggest is 30 for your waist yo. u tell me how to wear. but its damn nice.
oh oh paranormal activity freaked me out. Catch it! Its real and convincing. And i'm kinda sick of DDR already not forgetting i'm broke now.
We went to ourspace after school today. Went to the cafe there and bought myself a caramel latte. It cost $3.60! But its nice. played monopoly after that. But, 80 % of my mind was into completing my jap homework and study for my test later.
Jap end at 8.30pm today! damn late lar. Plus my phone went out of battery. And i have no one to sms to on my way home:(
Orchard christmas decorations are up! ROMANTIC O
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