the edited version: Mind my vulgar language
i know i have not been updating but cannot blame me rite?! nb also nvr go out how to update.
anway 09.02 got job orientation shit. tsk must bring leather shoes and my working pants there for them to check. heavy sia. furthermore must buy black paint for my brown hair cos they dun allow. but the pay not bad la. so i shall diam diam for the time being. until i know the specific details of my job scope.
my birthday coming le hor. so automatic a bit ah. make me happy. u guys know what i want rite?
ok i shall list out here:
1) ii wanna be friends with Rahayu and Mei ru 4ever
2) i want a beanie
3) i want LV
4) i wanna be with U! forever ( dun know who rite) hehehehe
5) i wanna go wild cos its been so long since i have fun! ccb cannot stand it anymore
5) overnight with my GFs at changi airport.
6) i wanna be handsome and a lot of ppl jio me
7) i want a new digi cam
8) i want my own private room.
9) i want a GPA of 4
10) i want a pouch
i shall not be greedy and stop here. :DD
anyway i'm just joking. not so thick skin to ask for so much haha
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