Sunday, February 12, 2012

6 months internship

i know its been eons since i updated my blog but thats due to my busy schedule this semester. ok basically, i have endured and been through 6 months of internship! woo! this call for a celebration. really, i have learnt not to trust anyone in this world and some people appears to care for you but when you get into trouble, they just leave you alone. and of course, there are some colleagues with sucky attitudes, two face, who would find someone else as a scapegoat when he/she gets into trouble. seriously, why is this world so complicated.

besides working from 8.30 to 5.30 on weekdays and 8.30 to 12.30 on alternate saturdays, i too have Japanese elective program in school and NAPFA tests to sit for! like DA FUQ! i swear that i have realized how important weekends are.

and by the way, i did something which i have always been wanting to do all along. BRACES! YES! ok apart from looking slightly uglier, i believe all would go well when i take it off at the end of 2 years? haha

but one thing thats been on my mind is NS. it certainly is drawing nearly and there is no way escaping from it. i am having mixed feeling. how would NS transform me. would it really make me into a grown up man? i believe it would push me out of my comfort zone while testing how far i could go mentally and physically. thats the price i have to pay for living in Singapore i guess.

note to self: i am turning 20 this year. not young anymore :(

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